School Minister Blog

my opinion, based on what I've heard, seen or been told …

As One Year Ends, A New Era Can Begin

If I am truly willing to look differently at life, and how we live our lives, then tomorrow can either be just another day, or it can be transformational. You and I are not like other living creatures on this planet. We are born selfish and at the center of our world. But we have the potential to learn to focus on others and on helping others meet their needs. When our focus shifts from self to others, we find we have so many goals that we are never bored, and we  realize we cannot accomplish our objectives without friends. So, we need allies and to be a part of communities, in order to find fulfillment. 

My prayer for every person is to be blessed by being completely absorbed within the body of Christ in 2018. Whether one sees himself or herself as a Christian or not is not as important (to me) as that Christ revitalizes the lives of all through Christianity. Of one thing only am I absolutely certain: Jesus Christ was not, He is not, nor will He ever be a bigot. He came and lived among us to show us how to be in communion with one another. That was Christ’s prayer: that we be one in one another as He and the Father are One. And He gifted us with His Holy Spirit so it can happen. So, His prayer is now my prayer, too. Peace, 2017.  Welcome, Holy Spirit. Hello, 2018.

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