School Minister Blog

my opinion, based on what I've heard, seen or been told …

A Hopeful Prayer, On My Milestone Birthday

On my birthday – 12 months ago, today – I was still recovering physiologically and mentally – from my 10-day, ICU bed battle with Covid-19, during Holy Week of 2020. It was the most vicious attack I had ever endured. So, one year ago today, when I first received the daily devotional The Daily Question – My 5 -Year Spiritual Journal as a birthday gift, I was not ready to answer today’s question: What’s your biggest hope for next year? I could not answer because I did not really appreciate the question and its answer.

What I knew was gratitude, because I was not 1 of 5 Covid-19 ICU deceased patients I saw wheeled out on stretchers. I still had fresh gratefulness for all the loving family and friends who prayed “without ceasing” for me during my hospitalization. During those dark and dreadful days in the ICU, my doctors made regular visits to my hospital bed and told me that my condition was not improving. Still, I could somehow feel the powerful prayers being prayed for me. But I could not explain what I didn’t understand.

By day 3 of my ’10 days amidst the tombs’, I concluded that God was not going to remove me from this life, any time soon. I concluded that my Lord had other plans for me. I came to believe that He wanted me to focus my attention on the needs of the young nurses who risked their lives by caring for me and other ICU patients. After I learned that at least 1 of our 2 nurses was only a little more than a year into that truly essential role, I resolved it must be both discouraging and frightening to have the daily challenge of knowing that a person you attempted to save would die and that you might become ill or worse, as well. Then I thought of my Lord’s Paschal Mission to save you and me. He came to save us from our sinful preoccupation with ourselves. Each of us gives considerable thought to saving and extending these lives we live without much thought to enhancing others’ lives in this world. Nor do we give much thought to our own lives in the world to come. 20 months and 2 birthdays since my ‘ICU bed battlefield’, I am now consumed with thoughts and now wage war on my knees through the weapon of prayer.

On this milestone birthday – 20 months after my ‘brush with death’ – I remain grateful for all who prayed me to health and wellness. But more important than my gratitude is my conviction and resolve. I’m convicted by God to declare we will never defeat Covid – not Delta, nor Omicron, nor the other plagues upon the US and the world – until we stop focusing solely on our individual rights and shift our focus to working toward our common good.

And those of US who teach or who are parents have a fiduciary responsibility to our students or children. We must ensure that what they learn by watching us is at least as beneficial for themselves and the world (they will inherit from us) as what they hear by listening to what we say (and to what remains unspoken truths). Yes, I have hope today. But my hope is really in the power of prayer. Jesus, I trust in you!

“My God, I give You this action, please give me the grace to conduct myself during it in a manner most pleasing to You. May God be blessed!” ~ Saint Francis de Sales

Generous Encouragement



As the youngest of the 6 children in my family, I realized years ago that I’ve never known much solitude nor loneliness. Someone was always handling me, whether hugging or carrying, or wrestling, or shoving. Human touch and contact were constant. Two other constants have included generosity and encouragement.

Our oldest sister and brother each passed away several years ago; so it’s now 4 of us. Of my 3 remaining siblings, 2 are extraordinarily generous and 2 are among the best encouragers I’ve ever known.  So, I’ve tried to learn from the 3 of them how to be both generous and encouraging. In recent years, I decided to generously encourage others, by observing and then describing their best attributes. Most of us receive more than our fair share of negative feedback, and it’s typically only at our funerals or memorial services that others publicly praise us for what we’ve done well and say how much they valued us.  But I’m an impatient person; so I decided years ago to tell people how (well) I think of them now. Why do people wait to praise others? What do people think will happen if we tell others – while they are living – how important they are to us and how much we need them? Only good things!

Since becoming a teacher, I’ve also taken to being generous with my reading and reflection recommendations.  When I read a book or magazine that I consider informative and helpful, I advise others, so they can benefit, as well.  It’s with that sense of offering a passage that has enriched my life that I share the attached passage from Max Lucado’s “When God Whispers Your Name“. People who have read Lucado’s writing know what a fantastic writer he is.  I believe reading this simple commitment with its series of “I Will” statements has brought considerable joy to my life. I hope you will make similar commitments in 2018 and be filled with an overflow of abundant joy.  V+J.  Peace.


As One Year Ends, A New Era Can Begin

If I am truly willing to look differently at life, and how we live our lives, then tomorrow can either be just another day, or it can be transformational. You and I are not like other living creatures on this planet. We are born selfish and at the center of our world. But we have the potential to learn to focus on others and on helping others meet their needs. When our focus shifts from self to others, we find we have so many goals that we are never bored, and we  realize we cannot accomplish our objectives without friends. So, we need allies and to be a part of communities, in order to find fulfillment. 

My prayer for every person is to be blessed by being completely absorbed within the body of Christ in 2018. Whether one sees himself or herself as a Christian or not is not as important (to me) as that Christ revitalizes the lives of all through Christianity. Of one thing only am I absolutely certain: Jesus Christ was not, He is not, nor will He ever be a bigot. He came and lived among us to show us how to be in communion with one another. That was Christ’s prayer: that we be one in one another as He and the Father are One. And He gifted us with His Holy Spirit so it can happen. So, His prayer is now my prayer, too. Peace, 2017.  Welcome, Holy Spirit. Hello, 2018.

During ‘NightPrayers’

As happens so often — both more frequently and regretfully — I can’t get a good night’s sleep. During my younger years, I often experienced nightmares. I could toss and turn for hours, reflecting on or almost reliving all the bad parts of the earlier day. Although I believe the medical experts –who offer countless health warnings,  to those of us who can’t seem to quiet our minds when it’s time to sleep — in recent years, I have turned my nightmares into nightprayer time

During my nightprayers, the Holy Spirit either enables me to understand and appreciate things that have happened previously or He prepares me by encouraging me to boldly confront tomorrows challenges.

I’ve never been an anxious person nor known an anxious moment. Instead, I live in a state of general fright and fear. I anticipate bad things will happen to me every day. Still, I Know, every day God’s angels will either protect me as I ‘travel through life’s many stormy seasons‘ or His Holy Spirit will show me how some of the ‘gusts of wind’ that at times ‘knock me or lift me off my feet’ are needed to either keep my head humbly lowered and/or to help me avoid drowning in tears

Finally, I use times like this nightprayer –especially on my birthday — to pray prayers of thanksgiving for my loved ones, both living and deceased. I thank God for Him gracing me to have you in my life. If you are reading this, it is because God wants you to know not only how important your life is to mine, but for you to be reminded that God loves both of us so much more. 

I’m certain that in 2018, God wants me to reach out to youth who are in or headed for juvenile detention. Please pray for your discernment. Ask God how He wants you to help me in 2018. It could be that He wants you to pray for and with me. It could be that He wants you to pray for and with the young folks, too. I don’t know God’s plan for you. But I do Know that if you sincerely ask Him, in prayer, He Will Answer. Especially, when you experience nightprayers. Peace.

Thanksgiving 2017

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  please watch PBS’ FRONTLINE: Poor Kids –

After viewing, ‘Poor Kids’, I’m now convicted to expand my focus on our youth. Years ago, I complained privately to relatives and friends, that American society fails its young. I cited statistics that prove we no longer adequately educate and evangelize our children. Well, my Lord ‘sent me to work’ in both ‘Sunday School’ classrooms at Church and in weekday classrooms at School. Interesting how complaints get answered when combined with prayer.

Now, I long to free youth from some of the dangers and threats that compel them to lose hope and commit suicide: poverty, homelessness, and juvenile detention. Many other factors, like teen drug abuse, have direct links to teen suicide. But the focus of my efforts will be to fight the plagues and punishments no children choose.

Partners are needed and wanted, if any success will come from this “call within a call”, as Saint Teresa of Calcutta described efforts to help the poor and dying. Please pray for guidance. Our Lord may want you to expand your efforts and collaborate with me in the care for His ‘poor little ones’. V+J.

Wishing all, Christ’s Peace, Kevin

Easter 2017

If my late mom were alive tomorrow, she would turn 93 years old. Like you, I have my mom to thank for delivering me into this world. As an Avon franchisee (aka ‘Avon Lady’) my mom’s entrepreneurial spirit was admirable. And I know what attracted the largest number of people who loved and befriended her was her loving encouragement and magnetic wisdom. But I’m most grateful for her handing down her faith in God, and teaching me that Jesus was God’s gift to mankind. I often eavesdropped and listened in as she told others about her faithful encounters with Christ. Interestingly, such conversations were common not only with family and friends but even with her customers.

On some occasions, my mom instructed me to get on my bike to make a ‘special delivery’. Invariably, she would include samples of products that she knew her customer(s) had not paid for and she would have me deliver without her charging the customer(s). I eventually learned those ‘samples’ were actually ‘satisfaction guaranteed’ product returns. When her paying customers did not like a product, my mom honored their request to return the product and receive their money back. Because she had already paid Avon for the product, the lost sale already represented a financial loss to my mom. Instead of her attempting to recover part of her investment, she would give the ‘rejected product’ as a sample to another person who could not pay the price to purchase the product. I recall grateful ‘customers’ expressing their appreciation for my mom to me and then calling to thank her directly. As I look back on my days as my mom’s ‘deliveryman’, I’m grateful that she gave me ‘hand me down’ faith from a ‘ReGifter’ God.

Only a few select witnesses greeted Jesus Christ when Blessed Mother Mary delivered Him into this world on that first Christmas. On that first Easter Sunday morning, a slightly larger group witnessed Jesus”rebirth’; His Resurrection. During Holy Week, Jesus summarized His 3-year ministry by showing us how we are to treat one another. He washed His disciples’ feet because He came to serve; not be served. He enlisted St. Simon the Cyrenian to help Him carry His Cross to Calvary, showing us the importance of picking up our own crosses and of helping one another carry such burdens. And He stayed with us for weeks after His Resurrection, because as St. Augustine of Hippo wrote, Easter is not an event but a season and we are Easter People. Alleluia is our song!

Let each of us pray about and consider whether we should join the ‘Hand Me Down Faith; ReGifting Business’, like my mom and our God the Father. What a glorious gift they ‘regifted’ — Christ Jesus. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Check out Psalm 119:114 NIV on today:

“You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114 NIV

Happy Father’s Day, Faithful Brothers !

Each of us knows there is no such thing as a ‘self made man’. Your passion for sports, music, or science. Your interest in World War II or history in general. Where did that come from? And somehow- someone – taught you how to respect yourself, your elders, and how to be respectfully and admiringly loving to females. Who taught you how to be a loving gentle man? Who told you – who role modeled – that loving a woman requires more than poetry, roses, and chocolate? Who told you about being selfless or – even better – who demonstrated what self sacrafice looks like in action? So, who was your ‘father figure’? Try to honor him (or them) today by visiting, calling, or emailing him or by praying for him (if he’s no longer physically available).

May all of us men recommit ourselves today, to being the man each ‘set out’ to be. Let’s try to be available, physically, mentally and emotionally for our families and those whose lives we can enrich by being accessible. Let’s remember to have an annual physical exam – mine is tomorrow – and adjust our diet & fitness routines so we can be around to enjoy our children and their children. Still a work in progress for me…

Perhaps, the most important practice for us on this Father’s Day is to remember to give to Caesar what’s his, but to give our absolute best to God. Each of us spends quality time listening to bosses & customers, to financial advisors & attorneys, to doctors & realtors. Do we invest the same type of quality time in prayer, in reading scripture, in meditating on HIS Word, and (most importantly) trying to live the gospel? If not, then how can we be the men God would have us become? And how will we ensure that our faith is passed down to our children; especially our sons?

Let’s recommit to sharing our personal testimonies, about our ‘burning bush’ and ‘trial by fire’ encounters. During a prior Saturday morning discussion, we’ve identified Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:16) as role models for faithful living. They let King Nebuchadnezzar change their names, because they weren’t prideful. But they refused to bow down to worship any god but God. Let’s forewarn our chilren about the many false gods available to them. And let’s also recall how Moses saw a bush that burned without being consumed; so he ‘turned aside’ to get a closer look (Exodus 3:3). Turning aside is relevant because God wants us to turn from our preoccupations with competing intersts that consume our time and our lives. He wants us to turn toward Him. Look at what happened to Moses and for his people after he (Moses) ‘turned aside’. No less can and will happen to and for US.

I’m out of town this morning; so I won’t make it to church. But I’m praying with and for each of you from my hotel room. Finally, a 6:30am M-F weekday 5 minute prayer call at 857-232-0158 #336656 continues throughout the summer months. If you are awake, please dial in to listen and pray. The callers lines are muted, but Our Father is listening. Again, Happy Father’s Day !

Peace, Kevin

February 12, 2014: At 102, Reflections On Race And The End Of Life

Today is Rosa Finnegan’s 102nd birthday. Born in 1912 — the year the Titanic sank — Rose stopped working at 101 and now lives in a nursing home in Massachusetts. Time has gone by fast, she says….

Dear Debbie: Thank you for living your life on earth so well.

You demonstrated true success is primarily about what we contribute here to make living more pleasant for others. Our world will be ‘dimmer’ without your bright presence, but you certainly earned your return trip back to your Heavenly Father. Bless You, Cousin. Warmly, Kevin